Bringing Life-Saving Technologies to Keep Our Residents Even Safer

Every day at Islands Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation, we are focused on providing exceptional compassionate care for our residents, with their safety at the forefront. We are proud to have integrated state-of-the-art technologies into resident care to achieve the best possible outcomes.
Using the Masimo ROOT patient monitor allows continuous respiratory monitoring using both capnography and pulse oximetry to reduce the number of severe respiratory events and provide an early warning to our medical staff when a resident’s status is deteriorating. Respiratory events are a major cause of preventable deaths and simple tools like the Masimo ROOT and Patient SafetyNet™ System is used to facilitate continuous resident monitoring and early identification of respiratory compromise.
How the Masimo ROOT and Patient SafetyNet™ System Transforms Care
The painless Masimo sensor is placed on the patient’s finger. The sensor continuously relays patient health information from the ROOT to the Patient SafetyNet™ central monitor. From the monitoring station, medical staff can view the vital health information of each resident in the unit. In addition to providing valuable information to the monitoring station between bedside rounds from medical staff, the Patient SafetyNet™ System allows for alert notification from ROOT bedside devices to be sent directly to the REPLICA handheld communication device worn by respiratory therapists.
“I’m pleased that we have Masimo ROOT monitors mounted at the bedside for each of our residents. The Masimo Patient SafetyNet™ technology brings the same level of respiratory monitoring capability as found in the hospital ICUs,” says Gary Y.G. Wong, MBA, RRT, Director of Respiratory Services at Islands Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation, “The continuous monitoring, easily accessed display of information, integration to the resident’s medical record, and high alert notifications directly to respiratory therapists, does more than improve resident’s safety, it supports the clinical team efficiency.”
Islands Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation is the only post-acute skilled facility in Hawaii that has integrated the technology of the Masimo Patient SafetyNet™ with ROOT bedside continuous respiratory monitoring and REPLICA remote high alert notifications into our clinical standards of care.